NCFC - Membership

Membership Benefits

  • Access to a sustainable food network that will source healthy, high-quality, organic, responsibly produced goods that are as local as possible
  • Bulk rates, reduced rates, lower shipping costs
  • An opportunity to reduce personal waste through buying in bulk
  • Buying power that could potentially have an impact on what is grown/produced in this region
  • Being part of a community with shared values that supports one another in making environmentally-conscious food choices
  • Regular meetings, food education workshops, recipe sharing and potlucks


Membership Responsibilities

  • Annual membership fee of $20
  • Prompt payment for orders placed
  • Prompt pick-up of orders on the specified delivery day. If a member cannot pick up their order, they will arrange for someone else to do so.
  • Members should be mindful that this is a non-profit co-op, made possible by volunteers. Participation when possible through meeting attendance, volunteer hours, and/or holding office would be much appreciated.